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Rita Eusanio RD, LDN

Weight Loss 101: The Secret Weapon to Effective Weight Loss

Updated: Aug 19, 2024

Guess what! Your mother was right.

Breakfast really IS the most important meal of the day, and in more ways than maybe even Mom knew.   It’s especially important if you have a long history of chronic dieting and you are looking to lose weight without getting back on that dreaded diet rollercoaster. 

I’m guessing you may have skipped hundreds of breakfasts’ by now thinking that it was going to help you lose weight.  I know I did.  But it never worked, at least not for any length of time.  And usually by lunch time I was so hungry I just grabbed the first thing I could find.  I hear that quite often from my clients who skip breakfast.  The other consistent theme is the challenge of night time snacking.  There is a reason for this and believe it or not, it connects back to, yup, the most important meal of the day….It has to do with blood sugar control but that’s another whole topic…..

Let’s get back to breakfast.

Consider this as you continue on your weight loss journey, your energy is going to keep increasing and your sleep will improve. So exciting! You need to jumpstart your calorie burning engine from the start to keep it running efficiently and smoothly for the entire day.  So no more skipping breakfast!

But what we eat is just as important as actually eating.  Despite what advertisers tell you, a box of cereal filled with sugar, even if it’s labeled whole grain, is not the way to go!  In the same way you would only put gasoline in your car to keep the engine running, so it is with breakfast. Start your day with some high octane fuel in the form of protein and a healthy fat – throw in a little fiber and you’ve got yourself a power meal that will take you through to lunch and keep your engine reeving on high to keep you in a fat burning mode. 

Here are three of my favorites: 

  • Avocado and Egg Toast 

  • Greek Yogurt Parfait

  • Oatmeal (w/ added protein) – I can have this everyday!  

These are my go-to’s.   I recommend you come up with three of your own go-to’s so you start creating the habit.  Just don’t forget to include a good source of protein, healthy fat and fiber.  And remember the secret to a sustainable weight loss and to never have to diet again is…..eating and that includes breakfast!  I’d love to hear what your favorite ones are and as always, please reach out with any questions or if you need help putting it all together. I’m here for you!

Your mom was also right about something else – You’ve got this! ☺

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