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Rita Eusanio RD, LDN

Unlock Lasting Change: The Power of Mindset in Your Weight Loss Journey

In last week’s blog, we talked about the power of the “Daily Double” of balanced eating + mindfulness for sustainable weight loss. But there’s one more piece to this equation: Mindset. While balanced eating and mindfulness are essential, having the right mindset—the belief that this is a journey, not a quick fix—is what ties everything together. It’s the mindset that allows you to ditch dieting for good and truly embrace lasting change.

The goal is progress, not perfection. The more we move away from the “black-and-white” thinking of rigid diets, the more we allow ourselves the freedom to truly transform—inside and out.

If you’ve struggled with chronic dieting, there’s a good chance you’ve also been harsh and critical with yourself. You might have believed you wouldn’t be happy until you reached the perfect body, perfect weight, or perfect size. Maybe you wear clothes that are too tight as a constant reminder of not being where you want to be, rather than honoring where you are right now. This kind of thinking often leads to frustration and burnout, making weight loss feel like an endless battle. And if we are battling against ourselves, we aren’t going to get to our version of “there.”

What if, instead, we gave ourselves some grace and made room for growth—being willing to try something different?

The truth is losing weight takes work. It requires effort, planning, and consistency. Meal prep and planning are important parts of this process, but so is being flexible with ourselves.

Life is going to happen, which means we need a plan but also the ability to adapt.

Flexibility doesn’t mean giving up on our weight loss goals; it means adjusting when needed and staying committed to our journey in a sustainable way. Mindset plays a huge role here. Positive self-talk can be a game-changer. Instead of judging and critiquing ourselves for “mistakes” or waiting for the end result to feel good, we need to shift focus to the positive actions we can take today—taking care of our body and moving forward, one step at a time, rather than staying stuck in the diet trap.

One thing that helped me during my own journey to losing 50 pounds and keeping it off for over 15 years was making the process enjoyable. I celebrated small wins along the way—whether it was feeling more energetic, fitting into clothes more comfortably, or simply enjoying the healthy meals I prepared. I set goals that weren’t just about weight loss.

For example, I always wanted to practice yoga but felt it wasn’t for me. I didn’t have the “right” body for it. But once I let go of that limiting belief and embraced it without judgment, the excitement of learning and growing through yoga became a reward in itself. That feeling of accomplishment motivated me to keep going on my weight loss journey. This is just one example, but it can be anything that brings joy. No one wants to stick to something that feels miserable. If it’s all work and no fun, it becomes a chore—and who wants to keep doing that day after day?

When we change our thoughts, we change our results. As my Aunt Gertrude used to say, “Garbage in, garbage out”—and she wasn’t just talking about food. The same goes for our thoughts. When we fill our minds with negativity and harsh criticism, it reflects in our actions and results. But when we choose to speak kindly to ourselves and be proud of the small steps we’re taking, we create a mindset that supports long-term success.

This mindset shift doesn’t happen overnight—it takes time, but it’s doable. If you’re willing to do the work—both physically and mentally—you will see the change, achieve your weight loss goals, and never have to diet again.

You may feel like you don’t have the time to do this work—you’re a busy professional, mom, or both. But what happens if you don’t take the time? It’s the small actions we take every day that add up to real changes. And if you need help figuring it out, remember, I’m here to support you through it!

As you continue on your journey, be flexible with yourself, keep your thoughts positive, and celebrate the wins along the way. You don’t have to wait until you reach a “perfect” goal to start feeling proud of yourself today!

The journey is where the real transformation happens. If you'd like to talk more about how to make this journey enjoyable and sustainable, let’s connect! Together, we can shift your mindset, develop healthy habits, and create a lifestyle that feels great—and that lasts!

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