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Rita Eusanio RD, LDN

Navigating Holiday Temptations: How to Enjoy Treats without Derailing Weight Loss Goals

The holiday season is here again, kicking off with Halloween’s fun-sized candy bars and carrying us through to Thanksgiving feasts, holiday gatherings, and, before we know it, New Year's. For those of us on a weight loss journey, this can feel like navigating a maze of holiday treats, traditions, and temptations. But don’t worry, we’ve got a game plan that’s all about balance, moderation, and staying in control—without going to extremes or feeling deprived.

Remember my Aunt Flo from last week’s blog? She’s the one who hands out only pencils, apples, or raisins on Halloween—refusing even to consider letting the kids enjoy a piece of candy. Aunt Flo’s approach is a great example of “all-or-nothing” thinking. While well-intentioned, this mindset can actually set us up for struggle.

And it’s not just Aunt Flo, we’ve all probably known someone who swears they’ll get through the day or maybe even the entire week—of an impending holiday party or celebration on nothing but salad greens and lemon water, with the rationale they can overindulge at the event (and maybe we’ve even been there ourselves!). But much like Aunt Flo’s Halloween approach, this isn’t realistic. On the other end, we might just “give up” and spend the whole week—or even the entire holiday season—diving headfirst into every treat, with a plan to “start over” in the new year.

Whether we’re toughing it out on salad greens or indulging in every holiday treat, each extreme keeps us from truly taking care of our physical and emotional well-being. The truth to successful and sustainable weight loss lies somewhere in between. Finding that middle ground—where we can enjoy the holidays, take care of ourselves, honor our health and wellness, and enjoy our treats! So how do we do that?

Here are some practical ways to get started:

  • Give Yourself Permission to Enjoy!

Instead of declaring certain foods off-limits, which actually will cause us to crave it more, allow yourself a serving of your favorite holiday dishes or desserts. The key here is “favorite”. When we let ourselves enjoy a reasonable portion, we don't feel deprived and will be more likely to feel satisfied. Do you wait all year for your homemade Thanksgiving stuffing? Enjoy it! Aunt Matilda’s pumpkin pie? Savor every bite! Just try to avoid going back for seconds and thirds. If it’s your absolute favorite and you’ve enjoyed your portion, save another serving or slice to enjoy later when you’re truly hungry again.

  • Make Treats a Small Enjoyable Part of a Balanced Meal

We can enjoy those special holiday desserts and seasonal treats, like Aunt Matilda’s pumpkin pie, but balance them and enjoy after a nourishing meal. Make sure each meal has a variety of foods, including protein, healthy fats, and fiber, to keep us full and satisfied. This way our treats and desserts can be just that—treats and desserts! Eating a balanced meal first helps us feel full and satisfied, so we’re less likely to keep grazing on holiday goodies. This way, we can enjoy the season fully without feeling the need to “make up for it” later.

  • Stay Mindful and Enjoy the Moments

Mindful eating helps us savor each bite, even during the busyness of the holiday season. So instead of grabbing cookies on the go, eating pecan pie while distracted, or mindlessly picking from the holiday candy dish, set aside time to truly enjoy your favorite treats. Give yourself the chance to slow down, appreciate the flavors, and feel satisfied. This approach often means we’re content with less—and we enjoy each treat more fully.

Being present also extends to the holiday gatherings themselves. Holidays are about family, friends, and shared moments. Sometimes, when we’re having so much fun, it’s easy to overeat just because everyone else is, or we’re caught up in the joy of the moment. By balancing our focus on the laughter, traditions, and connections around us as much as the food, we can enjoy the holiday experience as a whole—without feeling the need to overindulge.

  • Make A Plan

Create a plan to have some quick and easy balanced meals and snacks ready, even when the holiday party season is in full swing. Planning ahead helps ensure that no matter how busy things get, you’ll always have nourishing options on hand. Keeping health at the forefront throughout gives you a head start—and a healthier mindset—come January. By setting this kind of intention, we can enjoy each holiday without feeling out of control or anxious around food.

The key is finding moderation and moving away from “all-or-nothing” thinking. This mindset creates stress and anxiety that not only affects how we feel around food but also impacts our hormones and blood sugar balance. We’ll dive more into that in next week's blog exploring how finding peace with food can make a real difference for our bodies and our overall well-being. So stay tuned!

So here’s to a holiday season filled with joy, balance, and celebration. Let’s make this time of year a source of happiness, not stress.

And if you need extra support to stay on track, schedule your complimentary “Thriving Over 40” session today. Together, we’ll create a plan that keeps you feeling your best through every holiday gathering so you start your New Year energized, empowered, and feeling your absolute best!

Remember, You’ve got this!

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